Community outreach

  • Checkerboard Ministry

    The Checkerboard Ministry provides activities and fellowship to our special needs friends in our community. Activities have included miniature golf, bowling, a Valentine Ball, dances, talent shows, horseback riding, and a luau. Usually, five activities are held each year on Sunday afternoons. Committee members often help with providing ideas and food, along with joining in on the fun of the activity. Checkerboard is truly a rewarding ministry with which to be involved. If you know of any individuals who would enjoy participating with the group, please tell them about Checkerboard, Individuals of all ages are welcome to attend. If you would like to learn more about being involved with Checkerboard, please email Vicki Daisey

  • neighbors helping neighbors

    Neighbors Helping Neighbors (NHN) works with state, county, local agencies and organizations to address the needs of the poor in our area working to break the cycle of poverty.  NHN primarily works with the Pyle Center, a multi-facetted program that works to improve the quality of life for Delaware’s citizens by promoting health and wellbeing, fostering self-sufficiency, and protecting vulnerable populations.  NHN provides gifts at Christmas for the Pyle Center families, collects diapers, and provides aid in fuel assistance.  NHN also provides supplies for UMM home repair projects. 

  • serving in fenwick island

    We are always looking for ways to be out in the community and developing relationships with others. This might include partnering with the town of Fenwick Island for certain events, participating in other local community events in the area, and having a church presence outside the walls of the church. 

  • Atlantic Shores Hymn Sing

    Each third Thursday of the month, volunteers from the church go to Atlantic Shores Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center in Millsboro, DE. We gather in the dining hall with some of the residents from 9:45-10:45 a.m. to sing hymns together. It is a time of joy and fellowship and we always have room for more to join us! 

  • samaritian thrift shop

    The Samaritan Thrift Shop accepts good used clothing and household goods and then sells them at a low cost to the public.  These sales funds for emergency and supplemental food assistance.  Volunteers work a three-hour shift 9 – 12 or 12 – 3 on a Monday-Friday or   9 – 12 on Saturday.  The shop is closed on Sunday.

  • faith, hope, and love quilters

    The Quilters make quilts for cancer patients and those in need of love and comfort.  We meet the 2nd & 4th Mondays at 10:00am.  Since their beginning they have donated over 16,000 quilts to those in need.  No previous experience is needed! Join us for fellowship while helping others!

  • prayer shawl ministry

    The purpose of this ministry is to knit or crochet a shawl for occasions when the pastor, a shepherd or church member visits a person in the hospital, nursing home or at their own home.  This conveys a feeling of love and caring in a tangible manner.  You may work in your own home.    The congregation prays over the shawls, before they are presented to the persons for whom they are intended.  

  • craft group

    The Craft Group meets every Tuesday 9-11:30 AM in Clendaniel Hall. This group meets from September – May and their goal is to make items for the Christmas Bazaar held the second weekend of November. The Bazaar is one of two fund raisers by the United Women in faith and the funds go toward missions. The craft closet at the church is well stocked with supplies so they welcome both women and men who enjoy making crafts.

Mark 12:30-31

and you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your being, with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is this, You will love your neighbor as yourself

No other commandment is greater than these.”