
SUNDAY SERVICES ARE 8:30 a.m. & 10:45 a.m.

If you live here full-time, seasonally, or are just visiting the area, we would love to have you join us for church services on Sunday mornings! We always hope the services are meaningful and relevant to your daily lives.

Our services flow in a way that focus on four parts of worship: Gathering, Word, Response, and Sending Forth.  Both Sunday services include hymns, special music, scripture readings, a sermon, time of prayer, etc. We also have a choir and bell choir at certain times of the year. You can expect both services on Sunday mornings to be about an hour and we celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month in both services. All are welcome to the Lord's table whether you are a member or not. Dress is everything from casual to business casual so come as you are! 

If you have any questions about the church, please take a moment to reach out to our pastor. You can learn more about Jake here. We hope to see you real soon!