congregational care

As a church, we not only focus on the care of the community and those who do not attend the church, but we also focus on those who a part of our church family. Congregational care is important in the life of the church. We are the body of Christ and it is important that we be in ministry with each other. Whether it's visiting one another, picking up the phone, sending and encouraging email or text, we should be lifting one another up! 

  • Shepherd Ministry

    The Shepherd Ministry provides care and support for our church family.  Shepherds work alongside the pastor to offer prayer, encouragement and support to those in need.   The shepherd's goal is to give a hope filled presence to the “sheep” in the midst of illness, hospitalizations, periods of grief, etc. 

    Card Shepherds send cards and greetings to inactive members and others.  

    Comfort Shepherds does visitations (if desired by a congregant), offers communion, and makes calls. Duties also include direct contact to provide Christ like love, prayer, and caring. 

    Crisis Shepherds make weekly contact with those in the midst of a crisis until care is no longer needed.  

  • Bereavement committee

    The Bereavement Committee prepares and serves meals for receptions, funerals or memorial services.  This group has a rotating schedule which calls on members for various side dishes to accompany the meal.  Help is needed setting the tables and cleaning up after the function. 

  • homebound Communion

    We share the Sacrament of Holy Communion on the first Sunday of the month. After the service, we have the opportunity to take communion to those who are homebound, sick, in the hospital, etc. If you are ever interested in taking communion to someone outside of the church on a Communion Sunday, please contact our Office Manager, Sandy Donnelly. 

    Email Sandy

John 13:35

This is how everyone will know that you are my disciples, when you love each other.