United Women in Faith 

The United Women in Faith (UWIF) meet the second Tuesday of each month (September thru June) at 12:00 pm.  They participate in the UWIF reading program to enhance our knowledge of world issues. Further, they have fund raisers like yard sales and the annual Christmas Bazaar.  All proceeds are used to support our local and global missions.  The United Methodist Men sell soup at our fund raisers as a way for them to raise funds for their mission projects. We invite all women of the church to attend our meetings and take part in any and/or all of our activities.  

Please contact Sherry VanDyke if you want to learn more about the United Women in Faith. 

Email Sherry

Our Purpose

“To know God and experience freedom as whole persons though Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship and to expand the concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.”